100% Cotton Sterile Surgical Glove Liners

We provide innovative surgical glove liners for healthcare professionals

Rsb Surgical

Glove Manufacturer in California

Our glove liners at RSB Surgical have a unique advantage over the traditional surgical gloves that are utilized in the medical profession.

While there are countless surgical gloves available through recognizable brand manufacturers, we are proud to introduce a unique design providing unsurpassed quality for a fair market price over their actual cost.

Customized Gloves

Everything is made in the USA, and we are a USA-based company where gloves are specifically made for the left hand and the right hand providing a customized fit. The role of cotton glove liners is to protect hands and gloves while using instruments in performing surgical procedures.

The problem with most surgical glove liners is that they do not have pleasant tactile sensation, and the ability to utilize instruments is somewhat compromised.

The importance of a good quality glove liner is to protect hands and to allow for the utilization of instruments to the satisfaction of the medical practitioner.

Rsb Surgical
Rsb Surgical

Great Protection and Comfort

If the glove is too thick and cumbersome, one can lose dexterity. If the glove is too thin, one can lose protection. RSB Surgical is the preferred choice in the metal mesh glove liner alternatives because we provide a better sense of dexterity and feel, as they are fitted for greater comfort.

Additionally, our glove liner is thin, therefore providing good protection and comfort.

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